Our Team

With decades of combined success in executive leadership, organizational design and development, team and individual coaching, and operations at the highest levels, the CPG team is expert, experienced, and committed to your success.

Team working on a project together
Business woman in office

Our expert executive coaching team has deep experience at the executive level in various industries including healthcare, STEM, Tech, non-profit leadership, and financial services. We partner with only the best International Coaching Federation Certified coaches who we actually know, who participate in our coaching supervision, mentoring, and continuous education together.

What is different about CPG is that when you work with us you get a team of coaches who actually work together. What that means to your organization, your executives, and their teams are coordinated and collaborative coaching engagements rather than siloed piecemeal coaching engagements that are the standard practice for most of our coaching company competitors.

When we say we are “Your Coaching Partners,” we mean partners.

“We have measured a significant improvement in engagement, retention, career progression, and business impact with employees who received coaching.”

Executive Coaching Survey Respondent

Schedule a complimentary strategy session today and learn how coaching can support your business goals.

ICF Team Coaching Badge
Hogan Assessments Badge
ICF Member Badge
Board Certified Coach
JAX Chamber Trustee
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate
Board Certified Coach
JAX Chamber Trustee
PCC International Coaching Federation
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate